25 Things People Have a Shocking Capacity to be Surprised By Over and Over Again
In homage to Nora Ephron's list, which bears the exact same name.
Think of the snootiest person you know. Even they will tell you that there are others who out-snoot them.
You can be a writer, professionally dedicated to it, and still make spelling mistakes.
Poets also enjoy making money.
Mexico is North America.
We're so envious that we've turned the phrase "nouveau riche" into an insult.
Sometimes couples resemble each other.
Good-looking people aren't funny because they haven't had to be to get things.
The Japanese embassy has a 24-hour hotline for Japanese people suffering from Paris Syndrome, a transient psychological disorder resulting from the extreme shock of discovering that the city is not what they expected.
Advil knows which part of the body needs to be de-inflamed.
Some good-looking people don't know they are attractive. But there's nothing endearing about that. If they haven't seen the most obvious, how many other things are they missing?
Victoria Beckham has been eating the same dish every day for 25 years.
Trust someone who doesn't have childhood friends. This person understands everything about attachment.
Chances are they're not laughing at you.
If they were charming at dinner, kissed, laughed at each other's jokes, and still got divorced later, then you didn't look closely enough. The evidence is always there.
Insultingly superficial people are often intelligent.
People unfollow you on Instagram, and you'll never know why.
Knowing someone's astrological sign won't tell you anything new about that person, it'll just confirm the projections you've already made about them.
There are people who couldn't care less about food.
You can keep your mother at bay to avoid making her mistakes and end up doing exactly the same thing or worse.
A sibling might not be the best gift you can give to your child.
There are people who process the whole world through another person's pain.
The only cheap things in Paris are books (€6) and bouquets of flowers (€3).
You might have lost count of your therapy sessions, but nothing will save you from the embarrassment and subsequent sadness of physically bumping into a stranger on the street.
The nanny loves the children she cares for, but she loves the money more.
In the two versions of the story, the same culprit never coincides.